Almost There...(2)

I have made a little progress 
on my "lists"
so I thought I'd share a few.

Menu Calendar
I try to have the month mostly figured out
a week or so before the new month begins.
Well that just didn't happen this time around,
with all that was going on at the end of August,
it's no surprise!
The rest of the month is now done!!
I feel SO much better already!
I probably sound crazy
but knowing it's done is making me smile :0)

After soccer games today
I got a few chores done.
Bathrooms, dusting, 
vacuuming (with the help from my love)
 laundry, dishes, etc.
Now that the house is nice and clean 
I've made a list with a few chores a day.
I am hoping that this will help me
keep it simple and done.

I am still working on finding time
for sewing, reading, organizing, decorating,
gardening, taking a shower without "mom" questions,
working out, etc.

Here's to it all coming together !!


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