
One benefit of having to stay home these past few weeks, is having the time to do some fun craft projects! Make lemonade out of lemons is how I see it...shelter in place has helped my creative side find new life.

I have been wanting to try a painting technique I have done some reading about, so this seemed like as good a time as any to give it a try.

Here is the door wreath I made for our son & daughter in law. I think it turned out well for my first time trying to paint lettering onto a sign.   I had so much fun making one for them, that I'll be making one for our home soon too!

I also thought it was time to dust off the sewing machine and test out my quilting skills. These farmhouse potholders turned out just as I had hoped. Something cute and useful to have in the kitchen.

Next up is finishing up a quilt for a friend. Now that I am back in the sewing/crafting/hobby zone, it's time to get to work. 



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