Spring is Here !

It seems as though spring has finally arrived in our city and we couldn't be happier about it.

The boys are wearing shorts with no shirts (a favorite outfit at home).

They are playing in the backyard jumping, running and getting dirty.

I am loving watching them while I work in the kitchen.

I am wearing shorts (yeah !).

We will enjoy our afternoon T-Ball game without getting cold today.:)

These are all the spring things we are enjoying today.
I'd show photos, but I haven't had the time to download software onto the desktop yet.
I think it's time to start working on some projects for May...
~ a birthday gift for a sweet girl turning 4
~ mother's day gifts for my sis, mom & mil
~ a blanket for my niece
~ a Christmas Tree Skirt for our family
Spring has given me renewed energy today, what will I get done with all this energy??


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