UGH !!

Well, my laptop has gone onto see better days..but it took my photos along with it :( Naturally I have not backed up my photos for at least 6 months..I have been sick to my stomach just thinking about it. My wonderful brother in law is going to try and work some magic to recover them. I pray it many wonderful photos will be lost otherwise. I do believe I have learned my lesson now..backup backup backup ! That will become the new routine once we figure out what computer I'll be working from..Oh the hard lessons we have to learn in life..this one was a hard one for me.


  1. I'm sorry to hear Ange. Been there, only it was about 1 month I lost, still made me sick. We just started using mozy to have an off site back up. We back them up twice here, once on the original hard drive, once on an external hard drive but wanted to be even more cautious so we found mozy. $5 a month isn't bad for security in knowing we have them. Uggh is right, sorry friend.


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