A Project or Two

So what do I decide to do on a day when I am taking care of the kiddos? Why recover the barstools of course!
Our 6 yr old is in and out of naps with his tummy bug and our 4 yr old is playing so contently, so I figured it was the perfect time to tackle 2 quick or semi-quick projects. There's no time like the present right?!

Here is before :
Here is in between :

And here is after :

I like the new look. The fabric matches our drapes. The amount I had left over from making them was the exact amount to cover the barstools. So I got a new look for nothing..LOVE that!

I also worked on a door hanging today. A few weeks ago I picked these items up at the dollar store with a vision in mind.

With the help of my handy dandy hot glue gun..this is what it turned into ...

I am so happy to have a new outside decoration for our door. We had been without for a couple of seasons now. Yeah for time to be crafty while the boys were resting!


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